so yeah, i went to this christmas dinner organised by my mom's company. i thought that it was just a dinner in the office, so i just wear something simple. on the way to the office, my mom says that it held at some country club in a ballroom!
i was like cursing in the inside, kept on saying "what the hell! i should have worn something nicer!! fuck lar.." haha anyway, what made me pissed is that the journey kinda long. imagine from tanglin to bukit timah, how far was that? then the van stopped us at this BRITISH COUNTRY CLUB SINGAPORE. ang moh all over beybeh!
went to the second floor and proceed to the ballroom. oklar, not that big, but yeah romantic place! the food are all halal, except for the ham which is from different caterings. mom's boss is a caucasian man. my mom introduced him to me, and he eventually kissed both of my cheeks! my mom was taken back by that but she just give us a warm smile.
did i tell you about the boss' son? hahah emo blondie hair, blue eyes, sharp nose, soccer player, and most of all hot!! hurhur! his father told us that he needs a haircut.
the food, it was like a buffet. i took the breads and cookies first for the first round. then i took salads and raw oyster! it taste sucks. my mom ate it more than the malays over there ate the oysters. she said she can appreciate such foods. no comments actually, she's a living-on-land-shark. haha!
then i took log cakes and strawberry mouse! yumssss!! haha. you only get to eat log cakes once a year, and its so rich in cocoa!! hahah sorry lar, i love chocolates. its good for all the ladies who are pms-ing. it helps to cheer you up cos when you eat a chocolate it sends some chemicals into your brain that signals "happy".. so you will eventually be happy :)
aqilah and her fun facts... tskkkk!
well, i took back my present that i WRAPPED! haha because the santa in on the stage and you have to sit on his laps. i dont waaaant! hahahhaha!
at last we went home safely. arent you glad that i saved? haha. aaanywaaaay, kinda tired lah on that night. so yeah, thats all. TOOODLES!
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