Saturday, January 26, 2008

the sweetest conversation ever!!

it was saturday evening and my bf started to sms me after he finish working. so this is how the conversation started.

boyfriend: sayang! :-p

me: hey! i just about to sms you. you finish working already?

boyfriend: baru habes. haha. otw nak balek ni. sayangku ngah buat ape?

me: ntah. buat bodoh. hee. i duduk umah the whole day. i baru teringat nak belikan kawan i present. nanti i maybe gi tiong bahru jap.

boyfriend: u tak habes2 nk belikan kawan you present, tapi tak beli2. hehe.

me: haha nak beli lah ni. i owe indah present. kecian die tak dapat present dari i.

boyfrend: i pon kecian tak dapat present dari you :-(

me: hahaha! you nye bday belum lagi sampai. when's your bday?

boyfriend: u lupe sey, i da bilang you :'(

me: aargh. ala you pon lupe i nya bday kan? im not good with memorising :-)

boyfriend: yours is 4th of may, i'll always remember it.

me: bilang la when's your bday. alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :'(

boyfriend: pandai2 ar tau sendiri. im so disappointed.

me: okay, i go and your mom thru sms (psst! i have the mother's hp number)

as you wish my princess. haha.

me: hahaha. alaaaa bilang lah. i betol2 sms... (but at that time, i smsed his sis instead. and his sis told me the birthdate)

boyfriend: its 18of that month. hehe :-p

me: haha. 18 of october. i know, i just wanna test you.

boyfriend: ape yang october? memandai je. sejak bile sey org dilahirkan date tu.. peeerr jerr!

me: haha. i laughed alone in my room. you ar, abe bile sey. you kan libran. kan kan?

boyfriend: sembarang je... confident sey die... haha you tak kesah kan i kan. tu pasal you tak amek tahu pasal my bday :-(

me: abe ur sis kate ur bday on 181089. har har. i care about you, tu pasal i tanye.

boyfriend: its 18 of oct la. hmpf. nanti die lupe lagi. what date when we first contact each other? when we first meet? when we become a couple?

me: err, we become a couple on 6th jan. we met on erm., 8 of dec kan?

boyfriend: haiz. you arr. we first contact each other on my sis bday, ist december. we first met on 29th december. then we became a couple on 6th jan. hehe. (at that time i teared up.. boohoo!)

awww. i want to cry. from now on, we must record on our diary. haha we kissed after you confessed. and i never forget where we start our relationship :)

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